Friday, July 27, 2018

2018 荷里活展望青年慈善足球賽

Joyce Shum Yan Yue

展望青年領袖培訓計劃將於85(周日)於萬錦市 Berczy Soccer Fields舉行「 2018荷里活展望青年慈善足球賽」(2018 Hollywood Vision Youth Fundraising Soccer Tournament)。是次球賽旨在協助展望青年領袖培訓計劃(Vision Youth Leadership Program)籌募服務經費以及推廣社區足球運動。主辦單位歡迎各位熱愛足球人士出席觀賞,寓行善於健康娛樂。

今年主辦機構邀請到14支球隊參與球賽,所有球隊共分為三組進行比賽。五十歲以上組別的參賽隊伍分別為:Unique WontonSeahorse SFC Millennium UnitedALLIES 以及 Golden Boy;公開組的四支隊伍為:Unique WontonSFC Huawei CUT;十歲以下的兒童組參賽隊伍有:Toronto Empire So Cool Future Soccer Academy Unionville Soccer Club。除了多場球賽外, 比賽特別加設荷里活餐廳盃 (Café Hollywood) VIP 邀請賽, 將由荷里活餐廳精英隊 (Café Hollywood All-Stars) 對華人精英隊 (Chinese All-Stars)。兩支隊伍皆由足球圈的表表者組成,雙方都實力雄厚,旗鼓相當,屆時兩軍對壘定會十分精彩。這場精英邀請賽將於星期日中午十二時在主場舉行。球賽是免費入場,隨緣樂助。歡迎各界市民及家長到場觀賽及參與友誼賽。

是次活動收益於扣取基本開支後將全數用於支持展望青年領袖培訓計劃 (Vision Youth Leadership Program),補充正規學校的學術課程,幫助年輕人發展生活技能,為將來獲取成功做好準備。 賽事在85日由上午8時至下午5時舉行,歡迎公眾蒞臨觀看。


今年主辦機構非常榮幸邀請到約克區區議員李國賢先生、約克區區議員Nirmala Armstrong女土、首席贊助商荷里活餐廳負責人鄭永東先生、展望青年主席李樹德先生及球賽召集人李成徳先生出席慈善足球賽記者招待會。

另外,主辦單位亦非常感謝各位贊助商的鼎力支持,包括:冠名贊助荷里活餐廳Bocawil System Solutions Inc. Bonisco Consulting Ltd、芳華國際學校FH International High SchoolsOne ConceptPolly Li Therapy、唯一雲吞Unique Wonton 宏豐門窗Winford Windows

比賽當日設有歡迎所有公眾人士參與的友誼賽及兒童賽事,同時繼續接受各界的善款及贊助商的贊助。如有興趣參與,捐款或查詢有關上述球賽詳情﹐可致電416-800-4040﹐或電郵 或瀏覽網頁﹕


Eric Li 416-473-9844

2018 Hollywood Vision Youth Fundraising Soccer Tournament

Joyce Shum Yan Yue

Bacala, Alexandra Rose Callanta

The 2018 Hollywood Vision Youth Fundraising Soccer Tournament is going to be held on 5th August, 2018 in Berczy Soccer Field. The purpose of this event is to promote a healthy lifestyle for all ages and foster soccer in the community while raising funds for Vision Youth Leadership Program.
This year, a total of 14 teams are invited to participate in the tournament. Teams in the Over-Fifty division are Unique Wonton, Seahorse, SFC, Millennium United, ALLIES and Golden Boy; the 4 teams in the Open division are Unique Wonton, SFC, Huawei and CUT; teams in the Under-Ten youth tournament, which is a new addition, include Toronto Empire, So Cool, Future Soccer Academy and Unionville Soccer Club.
Apart from the Tournament, a VIP Invitation Soccer Match between Hollywood All-Stars team and Chinese All-Stars team will be held at 12 noon in the Middle Field. Both teams consist of outstanding soccer amateurs and the match will definitely entertain soccer enthusiasts.
All proceeds from the tournament will be used to fund the Vision Youth Leadership Program, which complements the regular school academic curriculum, helps the youth to develop life skills, and prepares them for a successful future.
The tournament will be held from 8am to 5pm on 5th August, 2018. Admission is free and no ticket is required for the event.  Parents and members of the public are welcome to watch the tournament and join our invitation match.
A photo contest of the Fundraising Soccer Tournament will be held on the event day. Members of Vision Youth and the public are welcome to take part in this contest by submitting their Tournament photos to on or before 12th August, 2018. Winners will be presented an award at the Vision Gala 2019.
This year, we are honored to have Mr. Joe Lee, Regional Councilor of York Region, Ms. Nirmala Armstrong, Regional Councilor of York Region, Mr. Lobo Cheng, owner of Café Hollywood, Mr. Eric Li, founding Chairman of the Vision Youth Leadership Program, and Mr. Albert Li, the chief organizer of the Soccer Tournament this year to attend the press conference of the Fundraising Soccer Tournament.
We are grateful to all the sponsors that support our event. These sponsors include the title sponsor for the last 5 years, Café Hollywood, Bocawil System Solutions Inc., Bonisco Consulting Ltd., FH International High Schools, I-Concept, Polly Li Therapy, Unique Wonton, and Winford Windows. We will continue to accept new donations and sponsorships for our event.
There will be friendly matches and children’s matches on the game day which welcomes all members of the public to participate. For further information, or to donate or sponsor our event, please contact us at 416-800-4040, or email or visit our web page at

For further information:
Eric Li             416-473-9844