Monday, March 21, 2016


By Eric Li

今年最後的一埸「展望青年」課程簡介會在三月十九日完滿结束。當天的簡介會由「展望青年」的行政總監李瀚文與野外訓練導師 Mandy Tsang 主講。當日的簡介會座無虛席,大家都全神貫注,悉心聆聽。

「展望青年領袖培訓計劃由今天起開始招收2016-2017多個崗位的義工,其中的崗位包括導師,中文或英文寫作,攝影,市場推廣,網頁管理等。有興趣參與當義工者請瀏覽網址 或電郵。我們會為義工們提供基本領導才能訓練,訓練課程將在五月和六月進行。「展望青年」的義工簡介會將於短期內舉行,有興趣出席義工簡介會者,請電郵

為期七個月的「展望青年領袖培訓計劃」現正招收2016-2017銅章新學員,查詢及報名請到網址www.visionyouth.ca電郵,或致電 (416) 800-4040 報名截止日期為331日。以下是介紹課程的單張:


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Conference helps youth find their voice in city-building

By Ryan Lo

Youth engagement is an increasingly important priority in our city, and young people today are making sure their voices are heard more loudly than ever before. Over 60 high school students from across the GTA participated in the Tomorrow Starts Today Conference last Sunday at Ryerson University to discuss youth’s role in the city-building process.

 Ryan Lo, a graduate student at McGill University’s School of Urban Planning and Vice Chair of Vision Youth Leadership Program Executive committee, is the organizer of this conference. Rather than writing a conventional thesis for his research project, he decided to create this event to explore different ways to better engage youth. Through various formats of presentations and workshops, Lo wants to find out what works best when presenting urban issues to young people.

“Tomorrow Starts Today Conference has two main goals: to educate youth on planning, urban design and public engagement; and to empower youth by providing them with tangible tools to participate. Youth need to have the knowledge and language to communicate and engage in civic matters,” says Lo.

From his research, as well as his experience growing up in the GTA, Lo found that the Ontario secondary school curriculum in geography and civics do not provide much exposure to urban planning. The lack of awareness limits the public discussion on local issues, such as infrastructure and transit, to an often small and well-versed group in the community. The needs of youth, as a result, are often neglected in the decision-making process.

As the organizer of the conference, Lo invited guest speakers from the Toronto Youth Cabinet, consulting firm Steer Davies Gleave, Studio Y of MaRS Discovery District, and Bike and Walk DeFuniak, a Florida-based youth activist group. Facilitators also included graduate students from the University of Toronto, Waterloo, Ryerson and McGill. Local youth organizations such as the City Youth Council of Toronto, Vision Youth Leadership Program, Project 5K and Engineers Without Borders were also key supporters of the event.

Lo envisions the conference as a starting point in bridging the gap between decision makers and marginalized groups such as youth. He would like to share his experience and analysis of the conference with other planners and officials to help improve the effectiveness of youth engagement in the city. He also hopes that the youth participants will become more involved and drive positive change in their communities with the new skills and opportunities presented to them.

To find out more, visit or follow @TSTconference on Twitter.

城市規劃會議 助青少年投入建立社區

By Ryan Lo盧文軒

青少年諮詢及讓他們參與的工作近年成為多倫多市政府一個重要項目之一,而這一代的年輕人亦更積極地參與其中。上周日有超過六十位來自大多市不同地區的中學生在懷雅遜大學(Ryerson University)參與了 Tomorrow Starts Today城市規劃會議,討論青少年在社區建設方面的角色。
 麥基爾大學(McGill University)城市規劃學院碩士生及「展望青年」的行政委員會副主席盧文軒是今次會議的創辦人。他認為組織一個以青少年為主的討論會議比撰寫論文會更能有效地探討青少年的諮詢工作。盧同學希望能透過客席演講、互動工作坊等方式來帶出城市建設方面的知識和議題。



作為這次會議的組織者,盧同學邀請了社區不同界別,包括來自青年團體和專業研究顧問的嘉賓來當客席講者。四間加國大學的研究生亦有到場主持工作坊。City Youth Council of Toronto、「展望青年」、Project 5KEngineers Without Borders 「無國界工程師」 亦有支持今次的會議。


詳情請瀏覽 或上Twitter, @TSTconference

「展望青年領袖培訓計劃由今天起開始招收2016-2017義工,有興趣參與當義工者請瀏覽網址 或電郵

展望青年領袖培訓計劃」現正招收2016-2017銅章新學員,查詢及報名請到網址www.visionyouth.ca電郵,或致電 (416) 800-4040 報名截止日期為331日。

時間:下午 2:00 – 4:00 
地點:105 Gibson Centre, 105 Gibson Drive, Markham L3R 3K7


Saturday, March 12, 2016


By Eric Li


去年11月發表的全球大學畢業生就業調查,當中列出十大雇主看重的技能,意外地學術成績的高低不是主要的僱用考慮因素。僱主對大學畢業生的學術成績不為重視,反而對畢業生的個人技能較為看重。一些推測是僱主認為若能夠畢業的同學已經有一定的技術水平。分數高低未必對日後的工作有很大的影響,但是個人的軟技能(Soft Skills)對他日後的工作態度,團隊精神等更影響他將來在職的表現.

2020 年的重要技能是
1.  解決複雜問題
2.  批判性思维
3.  創造力
4.  人事管理
5.  與他人協調的技巧
6.  情商
7.  判斷和決策
8.  服務主導
9.  談判技巧
2015 年的重要技能是
1.  解決複雜問題
2.  與他人協調的技巧
3.  人事管理
4.  批判性思维
5.  談判技巧
6.  品質管制
7.  服務主導
8.  判斷和決策
9.  積極聆聽


2015年的技能「品質管制」和「積極聆聽」在2020的預測中都上不了鎊。取而代之的是「情商」和「認知靈活性」.「情商」是E.Q., 我相信很多人都認識到「情商」的重要性。「認知靈活性」是指可以靈活地轉變或接納不同的概念或多維的想法。


「展望青年領袖培訓計劃由今天起開始招收2016-2017義工,有興趣參與當義工者請瀏覽網址 或電郵

展望青年領袖培訓計劃」現正招收2016-2017銅章新學員,查詢及報名請到網址www.visionyouth.ca電郵,或致電 (416) 800-4040報名截止日期為331日。

時間:下午 2:00 – 4:00 
地點:105 Gibson Centre, 105 Gibson Drive, Markham L3R 3K7


Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Story of Anna Amy Ho - 2016 Vision Graduation Ceremony Keynote Speaker

By Zita Lau

Anna Amy Ho is a freelance aerialist, a crisis counsellor at Victim Services Toronto, and a public speaker for child welfare advocacy. As our keynote speaker for Vision Youth Gala in 2016, she shared how to develop hope, resiliency, and courage by facing your fear and how she uses her “black box”. Here, we extend her inspiring speech through an interview on her experiences, values, and prospective plans.
Anna Amy Ho delivering her Keynote speech at the 2016 Vision Graduation Ceremony

‘Being able to give back and share something valuable’

Anna witnessed the ghastly deaths of her mother and grandmother on the day of her Grade 8 graduation – a story she continues to share with her audiences. It is never easy for anyone to share one’s own story, let alone speak about a wound that leaves an ineradicable scar. “I started off very shy and didn’t really feel like I wanted to share a lot,” Anna said, describing her initial feelings about speaking in front of the public.

As she saw her story have positive impact on people, however, she became encouraged to continue sharing. In particular, Anna relayed an exchange with her old classmate, who experienced a traumatic incident the day after reading her story. Like many, Anna’s classmate had always felt motivated just knowing pieces of Anna’s story and seeing her outspoken personality in classrooms; but after her own incident, knowing the full extent of Anna’s story gave her even more strengths to push through her studies and not let that experience hold her back from accomplishing her goals.

“There is a real sense of power – inspiration, hope, optimism – that comes from my story.” Anna explained what she learned from the feedbacks of her audiences. Through converting her negative experience to positive messages that give people courage and motivation, Anna is accomplishing something she believes we should all do – giving back to the community when we are able to.
Anna Amy Ho posed with the author of this article

Our strengths from within

Traumatic experiences will never completely heal or disappear from the lives of those who have been affected. Nonetheless, Anna believes everyone is capable of becoming strong and powerful for oneself but people often underestimate their inner ability to accomplish it.
Anna said: “Often times, we don't empower people enough to adopt their own sense of resiliency and strength I think for me, at a very young age, I was able to realize that quickly – that no matter how much supports we have in our life and how much other people around us want to help us, we have to be willing to accept that help, and realize that our strength really comes from within us first. We have to believe in ourselves and believe we can do it in order to push through.”

She further explained that her mother, a tough, single mother who raised Anna and her brother to the best of her abilities, had and continues to inspire Anna to be the strong person she is today.

Being a crisis counsellor
We often speak of empowering people in crisis, but Anna understands everyone as the expert of their own lives and only they can realize the power within themselves to become the person they want to be. In fact, this is what Anna does as a crisis counsellor – give people the tools to discover their ways to cope with grief and sorrow adaptively.

Anna further described what she had come to realize through working as a crisis counsellor by defining three terms: sympathy, empathy, and compassion. Sympathy means feeling sorry for the person, which is usually not what the clients need; empathy is feeling the person’s pain – sounds ideal at first, but can be counterproductive when the clients need assistance; and compassion is understanding the root causes of clients’ pain, propelling one to take action and advocate about it.

“Having compassion is the core of what I do,” Anna added, “as much as academia can give you the right terminology and the right words to articulate what you are trying to say and your messages, your lived experience is much more valuable. That’s what gives you the wisdom and knowledge to know how to actually navigate the experiences alongside clients and victims.”
This not only is her work ethics, but a skill that allowed her to push through her own difficulties and challenges growing up.

Looking into the future
In addition to accepting some new and exciting challenges at her new role with Victim Services starting in April, Anna plans to pursue a Master’s Degree in Dance Movement Psychotherapy and Counselling in the near future. Dancing provided Anna a safe haven to express her emotions and what she could not express through words back in high school, and it remained a crucial tool of expression and source of strength ever since. Therefore, her goal is to create a hub where all those who also believe in the potency of therapeutic arts can gather.
Anna Amy Ho performing 

When asked about a final message she would like to share with the youths, she said: “Never give up – just never, never give up."

Be it difficulties, challenges, or dreams, this motto is what she believes can motivate people to achieve their objectives. Sometimes people will desperate you from what you believe in; but the more you tell yourself you can succeed, the more you will try, and the more likely you will get to the place you want to be.

We also look forward to the day that Anna, a strong, inspiring young woman who never gives up, establishes her therapeutic arts centre that brings more people to realize the strengths they have within themselves.