Saturday, August 27, 2016

Accessibility「無障礙」– 認識Luke Anderson

By Jason Shiu, translated by Szu Cheng Yu

甚麼是Accessibility「無障礙」?「無障礙」(廣義地說) 是人們資源、服務、場所的可用性,不受限於他人的身體狀況;一個可以讓殘障人仕通行無阻,而且易於接近及到達的理想環境。展望青年早前往多倫多市中心去拜訪Centre for Social Innovation,去多瞭解每天會面對「無障礙」問題的人。在那邊我們認識了 Luke Anderson;他是位工程師致力於公共空間與相關服務更加融合… 他也是位乘坐輪椅的障者。

Luke Anderson帶領學員們討論
Luke 並不先天的輪椅殘障者。他曾是熱愛戶外活動、騎登山單車的人。因為登山時出了事故,脊髓損傷,因此坐上了輪椅,才發現我們所處在的世界是多麼的對輪椅殘障者不利。很多時一個普通的梯級也可以對坐輪椅的殘障者做成很大的障礙。   

透過他的介紹,我們才了解我們所處的世界有許多方面對殘障者們十分不便。他描述了在日常生活上會遇到許多的挫折,很多方面是直到他提出來後我們才察覺到的;甚至他自己也不知道,直到他使用輪椅後。這些挫折激勵他創建了一個StopGap 基金會來解決輪椅殘障者所面臨的困擾。

你可能有注意到許多店面和樓房的門口前都有一個階梯,跨過才能進門。許多坐輪椅的殘障者因為這個階梯卻是困難重重。為了解決這個問題,StopGap打造了一 個小坡道,放在階梯上輪椅障礙者就可以前進樓房了。StopGap為大多倫多地區的建築提供了許多坡道,也拓展到安省的其他城市,如金士頓和渥太華。去年,展望青年跟Luke會見時,他也好心給我們做了一個小坡道;原來我們「展望青年」辦公室門口前也有個階梯。Luke描述這階梯只是社會沒意識到的障礙物之一。

 本次拜訪的亮點之一是Luke為我們設計的研討會。他提了位於大門旁的 “Push to open” 自動開門的按鈕作為給我們的挑戰題目。題目要求我們去想如何改變按鈕使他更方便。我們集體研討、想出各種解決方案、設計原型樣本以及展現最終結果。這40分鐘是一天下來學員們最投入的時刻。 他們之間充滿了設計點子的對話,似乎隨著時間流逝他們更加熱切。看到大家如此全神貫注為他人的利益來設計真是令人耳目一新。我們也希望能在將來的活動創造這種精神。

我們從和Luke有愉快的合作經驗,也從他身上學到許多!我們期望在不久的未來能夠向他學習更多,並且正視我們周圍的世界。如果想多認識Luke Anderson StopGap基金會,請前往

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Accessibility session with Luke Anderson

By Jason Shiu

Silver Visioneers actively participated in the discussion about Accessibility 
What is Accessibility? Accessibility (in broad terms) is the availability of resources, services and areas for everybody regardless of a person’s condition. On Monday we, Vision Youth, journeyed downtown to the Centre for Social Innovation to learn more about people who face this issue everyday. There, we met Luke Anderson; an engineer who is dedicated to make public areas and services more accessible. He is also...a wheelchair user.

Luke Anderson leading the discussion
Luke wasn’t always a wheelchair user - in the past he was physically active and an avid mountain biker. It was only until a mountain biking accident where he suffered a spinal cord injury that he needed to use a wheelchair and started to notice that the world we lived in wasn’t friendly to wheelchair users.

More discussion on Accessibility
During his presentation, we were brought to attention how we lived in a world where it is not very accessible for wheelchair users. He described the many frustrations he faced performing daily tasks and going about his life, most that we weren’t aware until he brought it up and even he wasn’t aware until he had to use a wheelchair. From there sparked an organization he created to address one of the many problems he faced and many other wheelchair users face; the StopGap Foundation.

For many buildings as you may notice, there is a single stair step that one is required to take to entire a store, office building, etc., and because of this step a lot of buildings that have it are inaccessible for wheelchair users. StopGap aims to solve that issue; by building a small ramp and putting it in front of the building it allows wheelchair users access to the building. StopGap has given ramps to many buildings in the GTA and has expanded to other areas in Ontario such as Kingston and Ottawa. Last year we also met with him and he kindly gave us one the StopGap ramps to use - it turns out our Vision Youth office also had this single-step in front of the entrance. Luke described the single-step as one of the many physical barriers society is generally not aware of that is affecting people like him and other people with other conditions.

The ramp in front of our office was donated by
One of the highlights of our meet-up with Luke is a workshop that he ran with us. He posed the problem of the “Push to open” button that is featured next to many public entrances and exits that when pushed, automatically opens the door for the user. He gave us a challenge to redesign the button (whether the button itself, the wheelchair symbol, etc.) to allow better access for everybody entering or exiting a public place. In the 40 minutes of generating ideas, coming up with a solution, prototyping and presenting it was one of the few moments our group was really into the activity. There was so much conversation and back-and-forth between the kids about how to redesign this button and the longer the workshop was the more excited they seemed to be. It was a refreshing moment to witness teens having this type of energy for designing something for the benefit of others and we hope we could recreate the same feeling for them in future sessions.

Silver Visioneers were providing solutions to Accessibility
We learned a great deal from Luke and had a wonderful experience collaborating with him! We look forward in learning more from him in the near future and open our eyes about the world around us. Check out Luke Anderson and the StopGap Foundation at

Saturday, August 20, 2016

LEAP: 透過藝術表演學習自我

By Katie Li  Translated Szu Cheng Yu
Daniel 老師用故事去介紹課題

上了四堂LEAP課程後,展望銅章學員們學習了如何自我表達、認識自我。LEAP全名為 Learning Experiences through Artistic Performance,是一種透過藝術表演來學習的教育模式。
Daniel Kim 是長期與展望青年合作的導師,本身擁有豐富的演藝經驗。他鼓勵學員們利用故事、表演、以及自我反思去思考自己和周圍世界的關係。

這四堂課的主題分別為: 領導能力和自我、歷史與背景故事、責任與多元性的接納、以及利用不同的角度去觀看事件與問題。


在導師的指導下,學員們從故事書中汲取靈感,建立了簡單的角色、背景和情節。  之後,他們投入故事,探索欺凌、接納、家庭等等的一些問題,學著去了解和同情角色的處境。




Friday, August 19, 2016

LEAP: Learning Experiences through Artistic Performance

By Katie Li

Daniel introducing a character and scenario through a story
For four evenings, Bronze Visioneers had the opportunity to learn more about self-expression and identity through the “LEAP” program, or “Learning Experiences through Artistic Performance”.
Led by long-time teacher, Daniel Kim, who also has lengthy experience in the performing arts, Bronze Visioneers were encouraged to consider themselves and the world around them through storytelling, performance, and self-reflection.

Daniel explaining the concepts of Leadership qualities
The basis of the sessions was built upon the main pillars of leadership and identity; history and understanding where they come from; responsibility, accepting differences and diversity; and seeing things from different perspectives.

Further activities provoking thought on the character and scenario discussed
After establishing basic characters, settings, and scenarios from storybooks, Visioneers were guided through elaborating on simple notions and putting themselves into the characters’ shoes. Exploring issues of bullying, acceptance, family, are more, Bronzes were invited to connect and empathise with the difficulties the characters from the book faced.

Dramatic tableau depicting bullies, bystanders, and their victim
 Bronzes also considered the many sides to a single story through dramatic tableaus depicting the situations explored. Through the sharing and creation of the scenes first-hand, not only were the feelings of the main character explored, but also secondary and background characters who have impacted vicariously by a single person or event.

Another dramatic expression on Bullying
Visioneers also had the chance to participate in activities in the role of certain characters. Asked to contribute pieces of advice, write letters, and even gift imaginary presents as if the character from the story was in front of them, many dug deep and reflected on their own selves in order to better understand and help characters from a story.

Discussing and debriefing on the things learnt through tbe sessions
Through analysing and reflecting on unfamiliar characters and scenarios, Visioneers were able to gain a better understanding of not only different people entrenched in different struggles of life, but also parted with a positive grasp of their identities and the role they play in the world and people around them. 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

展望青年的「現金衝刺」冒險 - 金章組,做的不錯喔!

 By Katie Li, Translated by Szu Cheng Yu

星期天一早,11隊銅章組和銀章組學員們參加了由金章組為他們舉辦的尋寶比賽。參賽者攜帶著TTC一日票、地圖、和題目冊本從北约克的Mel Lastman Square出發,前往市中心去探索多倫多豐富的歷史與文化。

每年五月底,「展望青年」的伙伴機構Across U-Hub 「燃動少年」都會舉辦City Mosaic「城市拼圖」競賽。每一年,「展望青年」都派出金章組學員參加競賽。「燃動少年」則特別許可「展望」金章組學員們利用「城市拼圖」的內容去為「展望」的銀章组及銅章組學員去籌備一個同類型的活動,去推廣「城市拼圖」競賽的活動。
今年展望金章組學員們參加了Across U-Hub 「燃動少年」舉辦的City Mosaic「城市拼圖」競賽,獲得了第一名,也因此令他們對設計類似令人興奮又有意義的活動更加投入。


在 Yonge Street 探索
展望青年們依靠自己的腳、地鐵、巴士和電車前往Union StationYonge StreetKorea Townthe Annex和市政府,完成照片挑戰以及回答有關城市歷史和文化的問題。

關卡的挑戰內容抱括,但不限於學習新的語言、參與團隊建設遊戲。團隊要在每一個關卡「打卡」來代表挑戰已完成。「現金衝刺」帶著Monopoly「大富翁」的主題和精神;打卡後,團隊會贏得彩色代幣­­ ,他們的「資產」,再前往下一關。

其中的一項挑戰是一個韓國遊戲 - Ddakji



 名列前茅的團隊獲得了獎勵,但由大家臉上的笑容證明,這個活動讓所有的參賽者都得到了豐盛的收穫。無論是在當地餐廳品嚐美味的午餐,或在Nathan Phillips Square 的噴水池玩耍,每位展望青年肯定留下了許多美好的回憶。

冠軍组 - Alvin Ng, Michael Li, Jordan Kang, Wayne Fan, 及領隊 Calvin Cheung

Vision Youth’s “Cash Dash” Adventure- Well Done, Golds!

By Katie Li

Armed with TTC day passes, maps, and questions booklet, eleven teams of Silver and Bronze Vision Youth participants took off from Mel Lastman Square early Sunday morning to explore the rich culture of Downtown Toronto in part of an urban scavenger hunt and race organised entirely by the Gold team. 
Ready to Head Out!
 After coming in first place at a “City Mosaic”, a similar event hosted by Across U-Hub this past spring, Vision Youth’s Gold team have been inspired to create their own version of the exciting and rewarding challenge for Vision Youth’s participants.

Teams were challenged to visit and explore the rich culture and heritage of four different urban locations, in addition to the final ‘secret’ checkpoint, deciphered through a riddle.
Exploring Yonge Street
Embarking on foot and on subways, buses and streetcars, Visioneers explored Union Station and Yonge Street, Korea Town, the Annex, and City Hall, completing photo challenges and answering questions referencing the city’s history and cultural values. 

From learning new languages to team-building exercises, teams were asked to ‘check-in’ at each of the locations to complete team challenges. Successful completion of the challenges won the participants coloured tokens or “properties”, in spirit of their Monopoly “Cash Dash” theme.

One of the Challenges, Ddakji, a Korean game
The citywide activity served as a fun adventure and excursion from regular Vision Youth programming, and also allowed many participants to explore the city for the first time. The race also encouraged team members to collaborate and communicate with one another in order to proceed through the race efficiently. For many Bronze and Silver Visioneers, the “Cash Dash” event was the first time they had taken public transportation and navigated through the heart of the bustling and diverse city.

Trying to Have All 10 Members Jumping at Once!
The event also encouraged many to speak to strangers for the first time, whether to ask for directions, translate messages, take pictures, or answer questions about nearby local landmarks and culture.

First Team Back at the Finish Line!

Top teams were rewarded with prizes for all of its members, but it was evident through smiles on faces and excited chatter at the finish line that the day was a rewarding for all the participants. Whether it was a delicious lunch break at a local restaurant, or a cheeky run through the water fountains at Nathan Phillips Square, all Visioneers surely had a good memory to take home with them from their great adventure. 

Add captionCongraulations to the winning team - Alvin Ng, Michael Li, Jordan Kang, Wayne Fan, and their chaperone, Calvin Cheung

Friday, August 5, 2016

萬錦華人足球聯會 2016 慈善足球賽 (二)

萬錦華人足球聯會將於8月7日(周日)於萬錦市Berczy Park Soccer Fields舉行「 2016慈善足球賽」(2016 Fundraising Soccer Tournament)。是次球賽旨在協助展望青年領袖培訓計劃(Vision Youth Leadership Program)籌募服務經費以及推廣社區足球運動。主辦單位歡迎各位熱愛足球人士出席觀賞,寓行善於健康樂。

萬錦華人足球聯會是一個非牟利機構,並已有20年籌辦足球錦標賽的歷史。今年主辦機構邀請到6支球隊參與球賽。另外除了多場球賽外,比賽特別加設荷里活餐廳盃(Cafe Hollywood) VIP邀請賽,由多倫多警察足球隊對荷里活餐廳精英隊。今年的多倫多警察足球隊是代表多倫多警察參加省级比賽的精選球隊。荷里活餐廳精英隊則邀請本地華裔足球圈中的表表者组成。兩隊都實力雄厚,旗鼓相當,到時兩軍對壘一定會十分精彩。 這場主題精英球賽將於星期日早上十時在中央主埸舉行。球賽是免費入場,隨緣樂助。

是次活動收益於扣取基本開支後將全數用於支持展望青年領袖培訓計劃 (Vision Youth Leadership Program),對正規學校學術課程作補充,幫助年輕人發展生活技能,為將來的成功做好準備。 賽事由87日上午830分至下午5時舉行,歡迎公眾觀看。

展望青年領袖培訓計劃為推廣足球運動,將會與萬錦華人足球聯會合作組織青少年足球隊。「展望青年」更邀請到前香港青年足球隊成員Johnny Kwan先生為義務教練。有興趣參加者請在星期日到場報名或電郵

萬錦市區區域議員Nirmala Armstrong女土、活動首席贊助商荷里活餐廳負責人鄭永東先生、展望青年主席李樹德先生、萬錦華人足球聯會會長黃懿凱先生將出席慈善足球賽為頒奬嘉賓。另外主辦單位亦非常感謝各位贊助商的鼎力支持,包括:荷里活餐廳、唯一雲吞、李詩樺律師行、新力地產、御花園花廊、I-Concept Financial Services Inc.Bonisco Consulting Ltd. Forrest Hill Brokerage Signature (real estate brokeage) MS Auto

比賽當日設有歡迎所有公眾人士參與的友誼賽及兒童賽事,同時繼續接受各界的善款及贊助商的贊助。如有興趣參與,捐款或查詢有關上述球賽詳情﹐可致電416-800-4040﹐或電郵 瀏覽網頁﹕