Saturday, May 28, 2016


By Katie Li

按照傳統,每年「展望青年」都舉辦為期兩天的五月青年導師訓練營。跟往年一樣訓練營在StouffvilleWoodland Trails童軍營舉行,今年的「展望青年」金章學員,銅章導師在上週末有機會學習和擦新他們的野外活動和領導技能。


上週末拉開序幕的是一個令人興奮而又富挑戰性的野外定向遊戲 -金章學員與一個銅章導師组成一組,他們被蒙上眼睛帶到一個秘密地點。捈去眼蓋後每一組人要用地圖,六位數字方位和定向技能,找到自己的露營的地方。

跟著他們在「展望青年」的「愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃」訓練團隊指導下,金章學員和銅章導師能夠刷新他們在建設應急避難場所(emergency shelter),打繩結和生火的技能,以及很多其他各種的野外生活技能。無論是新的輔導員或長期參與者,每個人都能夠學到新的東西!



此後不久,金章學員和銅章導師被分配去一個激動人心的任務。隨著太陽完全西沈,參與者被要求在漆黑的森林中尋回在森林中央的燈,但不能被藏身在樹林裡手握電筒的“看守者” 發現。





第二天的早上是經典遊戲 - 搶軍旗和在森林中捉迷藏及障礙賽的挑戰,遊戲後由銅章導師帶領討論。大家又累又髒,但仍面帶微笑,這個兩日一夜的行程是「展望青年領袖培訓計劃」在未來夏天的一個令人興奮的預覽!



Friday, May 27, 2016

Outdoor Leadership 101: Another Successful Vision Youth May Camp!

By Katie Li

As per tradition, Vision Youth hosted its annual two-day May Camp trip this past weekend. Taking place in Stouffville’s Woodland Trails Scout Camp, this year’s Gold Visioneers and Bronze counsellors had the chance to spend their weekend learning and brushing up on outdoors and leadership skills. 

The weekend was first kicked off with an exciting navigation challenge - Gold participants were paired up with a Bronze counsellor and led blindfolded to an undisclosed location. Given a map, pairs used six-digit grid referencing and orienteering skills to find their campsites for the night.
Later, under the guidance of a talented and dedicated program and DEA operation team, Golds and Bronze counsellors were able to brush up on emergency shelter-building, knot tying, and fire-building skills, amongst many others. Whether a first-time counsellor or long-time participant, everyone was able to learn something new!

Though tactile skills were practiced frequently, communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills was not forgotten. In one activity, counsellors and Golds were challenged with the task of moving a picnic table with only ropes and knots. In a race, teams communicated their ideas with one another, received feedback, and ultimately hatched their plans and led one another to successful completion of the task.

Later in the evening, the setting sun did not mark the end of the itinerary of activities. With the help of program operation team members, counsellors were given the opportunity to lead their first Debrief session with Golds around the campfire. Reflecting on the day’s likes and dislikes, achievements and mistakes, and ways to grow from them, the session was finally concluded with a round of s’mores, laughter, and story-telling. 

The amusing and strategic game, though initially successful, was however, cut short by two unexpected disasters.

A lost cell phone in the dark forest called for an organised sweep of forest grounds. Through clear instruction and the meticulous efforts of a team, the cell phone was eventually retrieved after a half-hour of searching, only to realise the mysterious disappearance of a Gold participant.

Secretly a planned, emergency first-aid drill, Golds and counsellors were faced with the disturbingly realistic scenario of searching a missing team member in the dark of night. After locating the member “injured” in the forest, participants worked as a team to assess and perform emergency first aid and extract the injured from the forest. Following a successful response to the situation, the truth of the mock emergency was broken out to the relief of the unknowing participants, and smiles and laughs of relief was shared. However, the drill remained a stark reminder of how crucial and careful responses to disasters as such should be met with.

The trip was wrapped up the next morning with classic games of Capture the Flag and Manhunt in the forest, an obstacle course challenge, and a final debrief led by Bronze counsellors. Tired and dirty, but still smiling, the one-night trip was an exciting preview of what was in store for in the summer ahead! 

As the Golds look forward to their upcoming canoe expeditions, and Bronze counsellors prepare to lead first-time Visioneers in the exciting world of outdoor adventure, May Camp has, undoubtedly, proved itself to be yet another successful outdoor leadership training mission accomplished. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016


By Koko Lung



,長者亦都需要在社交方上的支持。其實無論長者是活動自如,行動不便,或者是智力衰退,在社交方上的需都不能缺少。可,大部人對於長者的能力下,特別是患有腦退化症的長者所的悲態度,不單成為不溝通的藉,有時更成為一個禁。其看似有很大的代溝,但只要有適的技,跨代溝不是想中的困。曾家和頤康中心合作,透過利用「知行易徑」理論 (Strategies and Skills Learning and Development),在不同範疇的實踐中亦證明了只了解問題及未達到的需要,即使是有腦退化症的患者,通過制定一些目標及系統學習,腦退化症患者可以維持,甚改善患者與人溝通或其他功能。


「展望青年」是一個致力訓練年青人作為領袖的機構,亦希望藉著與社區不同的機構合作,讓年青了解社會上的需要,每年所舉辦的領袖訓練已經幫助了超過一千名學員,他們透滿的野外訓,社,及學去增社交及溝技巧,建立自信、獨立。當中亦有不少已畢的學員,在他們的專上成出式的領。他們在不同的社會崗位發揮專才,他們當中有醫生、護士、視光學眼科醫生、律師、銀行副總裁、多位獲獎的生命科學博士研究員、藥劑師、物理治療師、也有自己創業的成功商人。展望青年亦歡迎有意創的年青人參其中,透過我們的VISION VENTURE計劃,讓年青人體驗如何由一個創變為創的過,並提供一個平台讓他及發他們的所長去貢社會,成為社會上真正的領袖。

「展望青年領袖培訓計劃由今天起開始招收2016-2017多個崗位的義工,其中的崗位包括導師,中文或英文寫作,攝影,市場推廣,網頁管理等。有興趣參與當義工者請瀏覽網址 或電郵。我們會為義工們提供基本領導才能訓練,訓練課程將在五月和六月進行。有興趣參與義工者,請電郵