Monday, February 24, 2014

「展望青年領袖培訓計劃」簡介會 Vision Youth Information Session 2014

區消息 Community News

展望青年領袖培訓計劃」由三月一日起開始招收2014-2015銅章新學員,查詢及報名請到網址www.visionyouth.ca電郵,或致電 (416) 800-4040

時間:下午 2:00 – 3:30
地點:萬錦市市政廳(101 Town Centre Blvd., Markham, Ontario

時間:下午 2:00 – 3:30
地點:Welcome Centre (8400 Woodbine Ave, Suite 102-103, Markham, ON L3R 4N7)


有關“展望青年領袖培訓計畫”的過去活動,請瀏覽博客網址 YouTube

Vision Youth Leadership Program – Enrollment Information Session

Date: Sunday, March 16, 2014  
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Location: Council Chamber, Markham Civic Centre
101 Town Centre Blvd., Markham, Ontario

Date: Saturday, March 22, 2014  
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Location: Welcome Centre 
                (8400 Woodbine Ave, Suite 102-103, Markham, ON L3R 4N7)

For more information, please visit   
For pre-event registration please email: or call 416-800-4040

Saturday, February 22, 2014


/Joseph Kaung

Dimension 樂隊於二月廿二日在展望青年週年晚宴聯同三位「展望青年愛丁堡獎勵計劃金章得主表演多首中西名曲。舞台音樂表演給予年青人增強自信心的訓練,不單能將他們的才華與大眾分享,更提升他們的自我價值和修養。

 Dimension是一隊由加拿大青年音樂人組成的多元文化樂隊,成員經過「 香江情懷」Hong Kong Global Network (HKGN) 的挑選及栽培而組成。「香江情懷」由移居加拿大的香港移民發起,目標為聯繫全球對香港有份感情的人士,進而保存及推廣香港的文化及價值,延續香江的生活情懷,並將香港文化推介給崇尚多元文化的加國人。更希望向新一代推廣香港音樂及文化,使他們接觸到香港的文化意識,進而培養對香港的感情。

Dimension 除了演唱主流英文歌曲,也能用粵語重新演繹七、八十年代香港金曲。他們不單能演繹中西音樂,且能創作新曲。他們一張原創音樂的大碟即將面世。他們即使演奏the BeatlesBeyond、羅文、陳百強、張國榮的作品亦加入自己的風格。聆聽他們的演繹, 你不會發覺原來大部份成員不能閱讀中文,正正反映他們付出的努力。Dimension上年有多場公開演出,包括八月卡加利唐人街街頭節壓軸演出、班芙中央公園演出、十月密西沙加華專商協會「鳳宴」及新時代電視「大城小聚」等。 


樂隊主音及音樂監製 Aaron Tsang 是主流電影、電視及電子遊戲音樂創作人,三歲隨父母從香港移居加國,多倫多大學音樂碩士 Connor Dunn, 結他手,英國裔加拿大人,於 Fanshawe College 修讀聲音技術。低音結他手Walter Nguyen,越裔,本土出生,是York University 學生。鼓手Kenneth Wong,本土出生的香港後人,多倫多青年管樂團成員。琴手及唱作人Jonathan Chow 初中時移民加國,多倫多大學工程學士。雖然只在香港小學修讀過中文,卻能作中文歌詞。

有意參與Dimension 青年舞台音樂表演自信訓練工作房 ,請電郵:
Dimension的原創語歌曲可登上香江情懷的網址: www.hkgn.net歡迎大家欣賞。


展望青年領袖培訓計劃」由三月一日起開始招收2014-2015銅章新學員,查詢及報名請到網址www.visionyouth.ca電郵,或致電 (416) 800-4040

時間下午 2:00 – 3:30
地點:萬錦市市政廳(101 Town Centre Blvd., Markham, Ontario)

時間下午 2:00 – 3:30
地點:Welcome Centre (8400 Woodbine Ave, Suite 102-103, Markham, ON L3R 4N7)



Saturday, February 15, 2014

2014「展望」畢業晚宴筹備委員會主席Margaret Yuen

/Eric Li

2014「展望」畢業晚宴筹備委員會成員。前排左五Margaret Yuen

今年的筹委會主席跟去年一樣,仍然是Margaret YuenMargaret 「展望青年的畢業生家長,她的一對子女都是「展望青年的金章畢業生。Margaret 很欣慰她的子女能在「展望青年領袖培訓計劃中成長,讓他們學到關心别人及領導才能。她舉了一個例子:她的孩子在大學的工作實習期中,發揮了領導才能及帶領

在大年初三開筹備委員會的成員。左二Margaret Yuen

尤於多年來的積極參與「展望青年的事務及運作, 今年Margaret 更成為「展望青年培訓計劃」執行委員會的董事,專門負責特别項目,例如招收新學員,迎接新學員的活動及開幕禮,畢業晚宴等等都是她的團隊所負責的項目。問到她在「展望青年當義工的感受時,她很雀躍的告訴我們,她很高興她能夠利用她的才能去回饋社會,譲我們的青年人更有自信,更快樂地享受成長的樂趣 - 幫助青年人成為一個更好的人。

最後,Margaret鼓勵大家對「展望青年有興趣的朋友踴躍參加展望青年領袖培訓計劃的畢業晚宴Vision Gala 2014以對我們的一佰多位的畢業學員作出鼓勵。今年的晚宴Vision Gala 2014將于2014222(星期六)假座2155 McNicoll Ave., ScarboroughBrighton (Grand Baccus) Banquet and Conference Centre舉行。
2014「展望」畢業晚宴節目評審委員會成員。左起Margaret Yuen, Polly Kwong, Queenie Lam
晚宴的主講嘉賓是加拿大環境部的孔慶寧博士年纪不大的博士已經是蜚声國際的環保科學家。她專門硏究北極空氣中的有機污染物。她將以身作則,以她的成功例子作為榜樣勉勵青年人努力向上,發揮潛能,貢獻社會。 將會在畢業晚宴上講更多關於在北極圈工作中遇到的人對她的影響,亦很期待到場和在座各位的交流能為自己帶來更多的見識和啟發。晚宴 歡迎各界人士支持及參與。晚宴席券 $55 VIP席券 $128。同時”展望青年領袖培訓計劃”由今天起開始招收2014-2015義工,有興趣參與晚宴或當義工者請瀏覽網址www.visionyouth.ca電郵,或致電 (416) 800-4040


Sunday, February 9, 2014

2014 Vision Gala Keynote Speaker - Dr. Hayley Hung, Research Scientist of Environment Canada (2)

Written by Zita Lau

Aside from helping to protect the environment, what Dr. Hung enjoys about her job is that she gets to travel to many places and meet wonderful people and colleagues along the journey. As oppose to people’s stereotypical image of a researcher (doing experiments in the lab), this job actually requires Dr. Hung to voyage to remote areas, such as the Arctic and Tibetan Plateau, and collect data for her research. For instance, she visited the China Global Atmosphere Watch Baseline Observatory (CGAWBO) located in Qinghai, China, which is where the atmospheric changes of the world are recorded everyday. Hence, environmental issues are not limited to one place, but linked to people all over the globe.
Dr. Hayley Hung collecting samples in Antarctic

Moreover, Dr. Hung encountered lots of inspiring people. From the interactions with experts from other countries, she received more ideas and directions to her research. She also needs to communicate with Northerners, who are well informed and most concerned about the contaminant issues in the Arctic. From their lifestyle that highly differs from that of the urban population, she learned to treasure one’s surroundings and to stand up for what one believes in.

Back in the 1970s and the 1980s, Northerners were already conscious of possible environmental problems as they observe mutations and death of animals in the Arctic Circle. They put strong efforts into promoting policies that should be created to protect their environment, and never stepped down from what they believed to be the right thing to do. Thanks to their endeavours, the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) finally addressed to the consequential problem of POPs and drafted the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in1995. It was effective from May 2004 and banned the use of nine POPs. Northerners are undoubtedly knowledgeable of their environment, however, scientific evidences are required to support their say – this is where research scientists come into play. It is for this reason, and for the Northerners, that Dr. Hung continues her work in the Arctic.

Dr. Hayley Hung in the outskirt of the Arctic Ocean near Alert, Nunavut -
Photo provided by Dr. Alexandra Steffen of Environment Canada

Therefore, despite the long hours, the tedious logistics and administrative duties, and the encounter of situations where her ideas were not taken seriously because of her young age in the field, Dr. Hung remained certain with her goal of contributing to make a change. She employed patience and persistence to counteract unfavourable times when her theories might be proven wrong. She said, “the goal is to be objective and not be afraid to be proven wrong or to even prove yourself wrong. Try to enjoy the process in gaining new knowledge from the experience.”

Furthermore, Dr. Hung indicated that it is not difficult for youth to participate in activities to protect the environment. It is crucial for us to understand that our action from one side of the globe does not necessarily affect our immediate surroundings, but has a greater impact on the citizens on the other side of the world, or even our future generations. Hence, performing environmental-friendly actions are not solely being responsible to our country as citizens; moreover, it is for the goods of the environment and of the whole human race. It can be as simple as recycling and avoid chemicals that are harmful but commonly used in our everyday lives. The  “Canadian Environmental Protection Act” and the Internet are great starting points to learn about POPs and other related information.
Dr. Hayley Hung in Alert, Nunavut -
Photo provided by Dr. Alexandra Steffen of Environment Canada

Finally, Dr. Hung said to the youth,“do not be afraid to pursue your dreams and your passion. There may be road-blocks along the way; you may be discouraged at times, but it is important to stay focused and keep learning.” In fact, she looks forward to meeting and learning from everyone at the gala as well. At the Vision Gala, Dr. Hung will talk more about her experience as a research scientist and people who have inspired her from her career.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


/Zita Lau

在上期的報章,加拿大環境部研究科學家孔慶寧博士(Dr. Hayley Hung)講述了有關在北極圈監測持久性有機污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutants,簡POP)的工作與入行的經過。接下來她將分享從工作經驗的得著和給青年的建議。

除了能夠為保護環境付出,孔慶寧博士喜愛這份工作的原因還包括了可以到不同的地方及認識到各地的人。雖然大家對「科學家」的聯想大多與在實驗室工作有關,但正因為要搜集在地球大氣層流動的化學物質的資料,孔博士需要到偏遠地方,如北極、南極及青藏高原等去作出深入的研究。 當中,她更有機會到訪位於中國青海,擁有中國大氣本底基準觀象台(CGAWBO)的瓦里關;簡單來說,就是每天記錄著全球氣象的地方。所以,關於環保的議題不局限在一個地方,而且聯係著身處在不同國家的每一個人。


其實早在七、八十年代,著重生態環境的北極圈居民已經察覺到動物出現突變並會病死和腐爛。他們致力推動保護環境的政策,沒有一點遲疑或退縮地一直為捍衞自已的環境去爭取。他們的努力也沒有白費,聯合國環境署終於在一九九五年聽取原住民的聲音,編寫針對控制持久性有機污染物的斯德哥爾摩公約(UNEP Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants),並在2004年正式生效,同意禁用九項持久性有機污染物。縱使原住民對身邊的一草一木都很了解,但當要對著全世界的人說話時,就必需要拿出確實的科學證據——這時候便要靠科學家的研究去支持原住民發聲。所以對孔博士來說,為了和她一起工作的人是推動她繼續研究北極圈持久性有機污染物的一大動力。

孔慶寧博士在Alert, Nunavut外圍的北冰洋 - 照片由加拿大環境部Alexandra Steffen博士提供
因此,儘管工作時間不穩定、有大量繁複的統籌安排工作、遇到因年紀太輕而不被重視的困難,孔博士都一直遵守著當初的信念,以耐心和堅持的態度去證明自己的能力,繼續進行研究工作。她更說,作為一個科學家,就不要害怕失敗,更要學懂驗證自己過去錯誤的理論,才能夠享受研究的過程,從中得到新的知識 。

孔博士更言,青年想要分擔環保責任其實也不困難。我們要先意識到,在地球一端所作出的行為,影響到的可能不僅是身邊的親友,反而是地球上另一端的居民,甚至是我們的下一代。所以,為環保付出不只是在盡對國家的公民義務,並且是在對全球環境和人類的整體利益在作出努力。在日常生活中,只要謹記資源回收和多了解在平常會用到的化學物質,就已經是在執行應有的責任。加上現在科技發達,青年可以多運用互聯網學習更多有關知識,例如搜尋加拿大環境保護法(Canadian Environmental Protection Act)就能知道要盡量避免使用的有害化學物質。


孔慶寧博士將會在展望青年領袖培訓計劃的畢業晚宴Vision Gala 2014上演講更多關於在北極圈工作中遇到的人對她的影響,亦很期待到場和在座各位的交流能為自己帶來更多的見識和啟發。
孔慶寧博士在Alert, Nunavut - 照片由加拿大環境部Alexandra Steffen博士提供


Monday, February 3, 2014

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Vision Youth Leadership Program

Saturday, February 1, 2014

2014 Vision Gala Keynote Speaker - Dr. Hayley Hung, Research Scientist of Environment Canada (1)

Written by Zita Lau
The Vision Youth Leadership Program holds a graduation gala every year to celebrate the success of our participants. For Vision Gala 2014 on February 22nd, we are honoured to have Dr. Hayley Hung – a research scientist from the Air Quality Research Division of Environment Canada – as our keynote speaker. Prior to this, we are also given the opportunity to interview Dr. Hung and learn more about her career and experiences.
Dr. Hayley Hung working at the Dr. Neil Trivette Observatory, Alert, Nunavat.
Photo credit to Alex Urosevic of Toronto Sun

We have contact with numerous chemicals without being aware of them everyday. The use of these chemicals in small amounts is not too hazardous to human and the environment. The problem lies in the fact that they would circulate around the earth through air masses and ocean currents, gather in the Arctic due to their chemical properties, and eventually accumulate to a heavy amount in animals and human body as toxics. Therefore, the level of chemicals in the air must be closely monitored to ensure the safety of all species and the environment.

The job of Dr. Hung is to study the long-term trends, sources, and transport pathways of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs, chemicals that are listed as contaminants and mostly banned around the world) and other chemicals in conjunction with the other countries that are located in the Arctic Circle. For similar reasons, she is also working on the monitoring of POPs and trace metals in the Great Lakes regions, which is a collaboration project between Canada and the United States.

Dr. Hung devoted a lot of her efforts to the air monitor programs over the Arctic regions and became a successful research scientist at a relatively young age. However, it was not until the second summer of her undergraduate years that she came across what she would like to devote herself to now. That summer, Dr. Hung worked under the supervision of Professor Donald Mackay, an expert of the field who received the Order of Canada for his contribution. She was fascinated by these not readily visible yet powerful chemicals, where a small amount can travel a long distance and affect another part of the world; she was even more concerned about the impact of atmospheric contaminants on the environment, hoping that her research can provide useful information in policy establishment and reduce the problem. Therefore, she pursued a Ph. D degree with Professor Mackay in Chemical Engineering and started working for Environment Canada.

Dr. Hayley Hung interviewed by our volunteer writer of this article
 Dr. Hung believes that not everyone will be certain of what to do in the beginning – but you must give yourself more chances to try out different things. Sometimes things might seem very difficult or complicated when you see someone else do it; but when you have the chance to give it a try yourself, it might become something interesting or even what you would enjoy doing. In addition, your goal will only become clearer and more reinforced once you find the right path.


/Zita Lau

展望青年領袖培訓計劃每年都會舉辦畢業晚宴Vision Gala去慶祝參加者在過去七個月來努力學習的成。「展望」畢業生都會收到愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃的勲章,三級政府的嘉許狀及其他他們考取到的証書。 在過往的晚宴中,我們曾邀請到加拿大國會上議院議員利德蕙安大略省省督及最年青的女國會議員劉舒為主講嘉賓。 而在本月的22日, 加拿大環境部研究科學家孔慶寧博士(Dr. Hayley Hung)將會出席 Vision Gala 2014為主講嘉賓。在此之前,我們有慶能訪問到孔博士,解她的工作及入行經過。

孔慶寧博士在北極Alert, Nunavut地區的Dr. Neil Trivett大氣層觀象台工作 - 照片由多倫多太陽報記者Alex Urosevic提供

在日常生活中我們會接觸到的化學物質多不勝數雖然我們每次使用化學物質時數量不多,而且不是每種化學物質都對人體和環境有害。但隨著在全球流動的氣團(air masses)和海流 (ocean currents),化學物質就會因化學性質停留在低溫的北極圈,然後透過食物鏈在動物和人體內漸漸積聚,對環境帶來極大的影響。所以,我們必雖時刻監測著它們在空氣中的濃度和變化,以確保空氣不會再繼續被染。

孔慶寧博士之主要工作就是和其他在北極圈內的八個國家合作,監測北極圈空氣中帶有的持久性有機污染物(Persistent Organic Pollutants,已確認為有害且大多被禁用的)以及其他化學物質。同時,她亦有參與加拿大和美國環境部共同為五大湖(Great Lakes)的空氣、水質和生態環境進行的監測計劃。

孔博士一直努力為空氣監測計劃作出貢獻,所以年紀很輕卻已成為一位出色的科學專家。原來,她對持久性有機污染物研究的興趣是在求學的過程中產生的。 像許多的年輕人一樣,孔博士入讀多倫多大學時對未來的工作還沒有清楚的意向。她最初選擇工程Engineering Science時她是有意在航空工程方面發展的。但在一年级的暑假去了香港航空工程公司做暑期工後,便發現這科目不適合自己。到了第二年的暑假,她跟隨Donald Mackay教授(一位對環境化學有極大貢獻,且獲得加拿大勳章的科學家)認識到有關「持久性有機污染物」的課題並極感興趣。她表示,這些化學物質雖細小但威力強大,而科學家竟然能夠發現到這些單憑肉眼看不見的化學物質,令她也想要投身有關研究,為減低它對環境所造成負面影響出一分力。後來,孔博士便繼續跟隨教授學習,得到化學工程學(Chemical Engineering)的博士學位。

孔博士認為,不是每個人都從開始就知道自己想要做什麼,但一定要多給自己機會去發掘。有些時候看著別人做像是很困難、很複雜的事, 在自己親自接觸後卻可能會是很有趣、很喜歡的事。如果一直不去嘗試就永遠不會有機會了解到什麼是適合自己的。當真的找到一條對的路,自然就會知道如何繼續走下去,而且目標會越來越清晰。


