Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mr. David C. Onley presented the DEA Silver Award to our Vision Youth members

Vision Youth Members
160 outstanding young adults from Ontario were presented the DEA Silver Award on 19 October at Toronto Police Headquarter. 12 Vision Youth members were awarded the prize: Sarah Lam, Jeremy Cheung, Nicole Cheung, Alex Siu, Issac Keung, Rachel Chan, Jeremy Chik, Bonnie Cheung, Candice Ho, Benjamin Lo, Riva Fu and Katerina Li.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DEA) is one of the sixth key programs found in Vision Youth leadership training program. Since 1956, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has been supporting adolescents aged from 14 to 24 to actively participate in activities that shape well-being. DEA is worldwide recognized as an indicator of all-round personal development. Therefore, Vision Youth encourages every Visioneer to complete the award, which is beneficial to personal development as well as CV building. In Canada, DEA was first introduced in 1963. Since then, more than 500,000 young participants joined the award in different levels.

Founded in 2001, the Vision Youth Leadership Program is designed to complement the regular school academic curriculum to help our youth to develop life skills, which will prepare them for a successful and rewarding future. We encourage civic participation and the continuous development of physical, social, and leadership skills through a holistic training approach.

We organize the program in an inspiring and supportive environment that will help the participants to develop: self-confidence, communication skills, public speaking, appreciation of nature and the environment, social conscience, interpersonal and teamwork skills, leadership qualities, personal responsibilities, political and social issues awareness.

Vision Youth is a not-for-profit organization and is operated by volunteers.

Official Website: http://www.visionyouth.ca

安省總督David C. Onley為12名展望學員頒發愛丁堡公爵獎

原海軍上校、現任省督副官Albert Wong(後排左三)、安省愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃原主席Jennifer Retnolds(後排左五)、多倫多警察副總長與獲獎的展望學員合影
10月19日,來自安省各地的160名傑出青年,於多倫多警察局被授予愛丁堡公爵銀章獎。來自展望青年的12名有為青年獲得了該獎項,他們分別是——Sarah Lam  林卓誼、Jeremy Cheung張晉軒、Nicole Cheung  張凱盈、Alex Siu  蕭竣心、Isaac Keung  薑俊宇、Rachel Chan  陳舒婷、Jeremy Chik  席崇瀚、Bonnie Cheung  張嘉瑜、Candice Ho  何汶、Benjamin Lo  盧啟聰、Riva Fu  傅慧婷、Katerina Li  李嘉慧。



展望青年領袖培訓計劃作為一個非營利性組織,其宗旨在於幫助青少年培訓生活技能,培養社交能力,造就完美的心理素質以便將來更好地融入社會。展望青年著重培養學員獲得愛丁堡公爵獎,為自己的人生增添光彩,同時展望青年還帶領學員才加公共演講活動接受國際主持人協會(Toastmasters International)的培訓,力爭在各個方面將年輕人塑造成為一個富有領導才能的人,走向社會。

展望青年官方網址 http://www.visionyouth.ca






Tuesday, October 8, 2013


10月6日,“展望青年領袖培訓計劃”及“加華1.5” 在北約克市政府的議事廳聯合舉辦了第十一屆「大學成功學習的經驗及申請獎/助學金講座」。為了使更多的華人學生及家長了解加國大學生活,本屆活動首次增加了一場中文講座 。

上午的中文講座由“加華1.5”成員主持,來自McMaster大學主修生物學的印晨曦是上午的主持人及主講者,副講者包括來自Waterloo大學的沈桐、來自York University,  Schulich 商學院的王伊人、來自Wilfred Laurier 大學的李盼、來自Western Ontario大學Richard Ivey 商學院的王煒博、馬若塵和黃煒。講座開始前,展望青年金章學員艾傑夫作為開場嘉賓為大家介紹了展望青年的訓練課程和自己加入展望青年之後的收獲。下午的英文講座則由 “展望青年”訓練課程的畢業生並且已經步入大學的在校大學生負責,主持人及主講者陳思穎來自皇後大學,以及九名副講者,分別是來自Waterloo大學的沈桐、馮諾情和張浩峰、來自Ryerson護士學院的Tiffany Sit及機械工程的姚偉康、約克大學社工學院的李睿、來自McGill機械工程的許秉耀以及來自多倫多大學Engineering Science 的陳揚浩和文學院林禮賢。



Jeff Ai, a Gold Member, talks about his experiences with Vision Youth

Jeff with his companions
Vision Youth has been training numerous outstanding young adults since 2001. It targets all young Chinese Canadians and aspires to inspire and coach young people to become visionary leaders. Jeff Ai, a 17 year-old Grade 12 young man, immigrated with his family from Hebei, China to Canada at the age of six. He told us that despite the majority of Vision Youth members have a Hong Kong origin, he never felt that there was any language or cultural barrier as they always communicated in English (and he also learnt some Cantonese from other young members). Jeff’s cousin introduced him to join Vision Youth, and after two years of hard work, he finally proceeded to the Gold level.

When Jeff was still a Bronze member
Jeff commented himself as an introvert, being relatively modest and meek. But after joining Vision Youth and having countless chances to communicate with other people, he found himself becoming more outgoing. He cherished the friendship gained in Vision Youth. Apart from the changing of personality in a positive way, Jeff also discovered his potential of public speaking through Vision Youth’s Toastmaster International Club public speaking trainings. After that, Jeff became the student representative of the consecutive two galas and received positive feedback and encouragement from his family and friends.

Each summer, Vision Youth organizes a wide range of adventurous outdoor camps for young participants of different levels to join. The Wilderness Survival Camp designed for Gold participants was deemed the most challenging one, and was regarded as the most adventurous and remarkable one to Jeff. The camp has mentally trained himself a lot and thus he could complete many challenging tasks. He still vividly remembered the scene when he jumped off from a 25-feet cliff.

2011 Bark Lake

Community Service Project (CSP) has been one of the key programs in Vision Youth’s training curriculum. It aspires to activate young members to participate more in social services and develop a sense of social commitment and responsibility. Jeff and other Gold members are going to initiate their project “Library Project” very soon. This projects aims to advocate people about the happiness and excitement brought by reading.

In the Gala




艾傑夫在2011年參加Bark Lake訓練營 ,當時他還是一名銅章學員
艾傑夫介紹說他從前是一個少言寡語的人,性格上也比較靦腆,但是自從加入展望青年之後,經常和其他成員在一起交流、學習,他變得開朗了許多。他無比看中朋友之間的友誼,能夠和展望青年的朋友們經歷過那麼多難忘的輔導與訓練,這份情一生難求。艾傑夫還發現了自己在公開演講方面的天賦——當他還是銅章學員的時候,接受了Toastmaster International Club(國際主持人英文演講俱樂部的演講表演培訓,他認為這個培訓項目給了自己一個表現的契機,幫助自己發掘到了未知的潛能。爾後,艾傑夫在銅章、銀章兩屆結業晚宴上擔任了祝詞人,在得到台下好友贊許的同時,他對自己更加充滿信心。


