Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Journey into the Wild (Outdoor Survival Camp)

Bacala, Alexandra Rose Callanta

From the 11th to the 12th of August 2018, the Silvers had their Outdoor Survival Camp at Everton Scout Camp. They were joined by the Outdoor Leadership Team as well as two experienced wilderness first aid trainers: David and Casey. The camp was designed to teach the Visioneers how to survive and perform first aid in a wilderness setting.

In order to survive in the wild, the youth were taught to create an A-line shelter and a natural shelter to maintain body heat, a smoke signal, a campfire to keep warm, and wilderness first aid. Wilderness first aid is different from your typical first aid because injuries are more likely to be neck and spinal fractures at dangerous places such as on a cliff or in rapids. 
Other than building a shelter and campfire for the night, the participants also had to go through an obstacle course with a twist. The Visioneers were pushed to their limits but worked well together as a team because their interpersonal skills were enhanced. They also learnt to trust and care for each other more, and ensured that everyone was always together. Overall, it was a taxing yet extraordinary experience.

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