Wednesday, June 20, 2018

龍舟賽事迎端午 「展望青年」創佳績

By Joyce Yan Yue Shum

由多倫多華商會主辦的第三十屆多倫多國際龍舟賽已於上週末201861617 日在多倫多中央島(Centre Island)盛大舉行。本年度的比賽吸引了超過100支龍舟隊伍逾5000名本地及海外健兒參與, 「展望青年」亦有一支龍舟隊伍參加比賽,此次已是我們的龍舟隊連續第二年參與這項國際性賽事。

各項比賽以小組形式進行,大會根據各龍舟隊伍的初賽入圍成績把時間相若的六支隊伍歸為一組。各組的賽事都很緊湊,我們的龍舟隊順利在初賽晉級,更在決賽日勇奪佳績,刷新了隊伍所保持的最快紀錄。在200米男女混合決賽中,我們的隊伍以58.91秒力壓同組的Cobourg Dragons,勇奪銀牌,及後在更具挑戰性的500米男女混合賽事中以23058的成績衝線,嬴得銅牌。

 龍舟隊能夠奪得一銀一銅的獎牌,所有的成員全都功不可沒。我們特別要感謝我們的龍舟教練Matthew Ma,他在練習中給予隊員們不少建議和鼓勵,提升他們的划龍舟技巧。我們亦要感謝隊長Linda Liu 及副隊長Eric Ho 的帶領及對龍舟隊員的幫助,並協助我們組織一隊龍舟隊伍參賽。隊員們一直以來努力不懈地練習,以及他們出色的團隊表現最後亦得到回報,我們非常感激隊員們的努力,他們令Vision Youth 龍舟隊得以在比賽中屢創佳績。


龍舟隊的鼓手Albert Li 對隊伍在決賽創出的時間非常滿意,賽後更直言此次成績出乎大家意料之外。他指出隊伍在賽前只進行過六次正式訓練,能獲得一銀一銅已是非常出色,他亦希望此次優秀的表現能鼓勵更多人參與龍舟活動,並加入 Vision Youth 龍舟隊,讓隊伍可以在來年的賽事中再接再厲。



Vision Youth 龍舟隊一直積極招募想嘗試龍舟運動的新隊員參與,如有任何查詢或有興趣加入龍舟隊者,請電郵

展望青年領袖培訓計劃」 現正招收2018-2019 銅章新學員,查詢及報名,歡迎到網址 www.visionyouth.ca電郵,或致電 (416) 800-4040

Great Result Achieved by Vision Youth Team in the 30th Toronto International Dragon Boat Festival

By Joyce Yan Yue Shum

Organized by Toronto Chinese Business Association in collaboration with GWN Dragon Boat, the 30th Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival was successfully held last weekend in Centre Island, Toronto. This event welcomed over 100 teams from across Canada, the U.S., Europe and Asia with over 5,000 athletes participating in the race. This year, Vision Youth has once again formed a Dragon Boat team and we have taken part in this international event for two consecutive years.
Vision Youth Dragon Boat team members showing off their medals
All competitions were held in groups. 6 teams with similar qualifying time were grouped into one division and they competed with one another on the final day. While the spectators cheered for their favorite team and the atmosphere was quite relaxing, the race was intense. Successfully qualified for the final, our team won the silver medal in 58.91 in mixed 200m final, which greatly boosted our morale and team spirit. Shortly after this race, we took part in a more challenging race, mixed 500m final, and finished with a bronze medal in a new team record time of 2:30:58.
VY Dragon Boat members paddling hard
The excellent results our team achieved are credited to all our team members and those who have been assisting us along the way. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our coach, Matthew Ma, for guiding our team members and giving them useful advice during training that helped them improve. Moreover, we would like to thank our team captain, Linda Liu, and assistant captain Eric Ho for helping us to form our team and leading our members in the competition. Last but not least, our team members were outstanding during competition. They have great team spirit and maintain high morale. We sincerely appreciate their hard work and it is their diligence and passion that leads to the brilliant performance of our Dragon Boat team.
Team members are overjoyed with the second medal of the day
The drummer of the team, Albert Li, was very satisfied with their performance. He found the result quite surprising and it surpassed his expectations as he recalled that the team only had 6 trainings before the competition. He hoped that more people would be encouraged to participate in dragon boat activities and join Vision Youth’s team by the great results they have accomplished this year.
Team Members high five each other after the race
Other than participating in the dragon boat race, we have set up a promotional booth to introduce our leadership program to the public as well as showing them photos and thoughts of our past participants. Strong team spirit is always an indispensable part of a dragon boat race. Good cooperation and high morale of the team is the key to our victory. Through Vision Youth Leadership Program, we hope to strengthen the interpersonal and teamwork skills of our participants as well as letting them understand the importance of team spirit and cooperation in a collaborative task.

Vision Youth Dragon Boat team is now recruiting new members. If you have any enquiries or you are interested in joining us, please email to

Vision Youth Leadership Program is recruiting new participants for 2018-2019 Bronze Program. To enquire or sign up please go to our website or email to or call us at (416) 800-4040.