Wednesday, October 26, 2022





  為了啟發年輕人的創意,藉此參與及貢獻社區,「展望青年領袖培訓計劃」主辦第二屆「社會計劃創新學院」(Social Innovation Academy),於本周六(29日)舉行首場實體公開講座,邀請多位年青領䄂分享經驗。是次講座費用全免,歡迎1519歲人士報名參加。

  社會計劃創新學院是「展望青年」與多倫多大學社工學院 (Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto) ,以及多倫多都會大學創變領袖學院(Institute for Change Leaders, Toronto Metropolitan University) 的合作項目。




  今年的講座主題「啟發至領導」(Inspire to Lead),大會邀請的主講嘉賓,來自本地的改革先鋒,包括:Legacy of HopeProject 5KUrban MindsDot Dot Fire,他們分享從不同途徑改變社會,參加者了解本地的社會問題,以及年輕領袖如何對他們的社區產生影響。

  活動於本周六(29日)早上10時至12時,在多倫多大學社工學院(Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work)舉行,地址:Room 548, 246 Bloor Street West Toronto。報名及查詢詳情,請點擊以下的連線:



展望青年領袖計劃成立於2001年, 全由義工負責營運,目的是培養和加強初出茅廬的青年領袖,以解決他們所在社區正面臨的挑戰。本會認為,青少年是對世界發揮正面影響的動力,因此挑戰青少年超越自我,燃亮心中的火,以激發他們對社區承擔的責任感。至今展望青年計劃超過1,200名畢業生,完成逾200個社區服務項目,以及33,000個社區服務小時。




Open Free In-person public forum at Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, 246 Bloor St W, Toronto


For immediate release

This year Vision Youth is partnering up with Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto and Institute for Change Leaders, Toronto Metropolitan University to offer our 6-month accelerator program, Social Innovation Academy (SIA), that helps connect youth with cutting-edge thinking and hands-on experience that cultivate their interest and engagement in finding solutions to local community issues. 

This opportunity not only leads to skill enhancement, and confidence building as they navigate towards adulthood, but also helps them realize their leadership potential as they solve community challenges. We will support them with a variety of mentorship, coaching, skills development, networking, and resources. 

As a celebration to start the Social Innovation Academy 2022, we have organized a special forum – “Inspire to Lead”.  We have invited the successful social enterprises in Toronto to tell our audiences on why and how they started their social enterprises to help others.  On our panel this year, we have the Co-founder of Project 5K – Vincent Chan, Co-Founder of Urban Minds – Ryan Lo, Dot Dot Fire - Content developer and Partnership development – Sabrina Au,  Executive Director and In-house legal counsel of the Legacy of Hope – Teresa Edwards. Corporate Consultant and Leadership Development Specialist – Philip Lai will be the moderator.  

The “Inspire and Lead” forum is open to the public.  Please register at the following Eventbrite link to register for the open forum -

Date : Oct 29 2022

Time : 10 am to 12 noon

Venue: Room 548, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, 246 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1V4

Media are welcome to cover our forum. Please email to confirm your attendance.

We still have a few spots for the SIA 2022 . Please visit for registration and to view last year’s demo day and projects.  Please direct email inquiry to or call 416-800-4040

Program Overview

Who: Teens 15 – 19 years old in the Greater Toronto Area 

When: October 2022 through March 2023

Where: Room 548, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, 246 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M5S 1V4

What: Students participate in workshops designed to teach the skills necessary to launch social impact projects, awareness campaigns, and non-profit organizations. These 6 online workshops, taught by industry and non-profit experts, teach the students skills such as social entrepreneurship, event planning, budgeting, research and development, networking, and more.

At the end of the program, each participant along with their team will present a proposal of their solution for their chosen local community issue. One team will become the recipient of the $1,000 Vision Youth Social Innovation Academy grant, which will help them fund the pilot of their solution.

About Last Year’s Cohort

Last years inaugural academy had over 30 graduates. Six teams of youths completed their online training and pitched their project idea to the panel of judges on demo day with hope to get resources to scale and implement their project. Each team presented their issues and pilot program proposal. The initiatives included:


·  Reconciliation with First Nation

·  Education with a focus on analytical and critical thinking skills

·  Youth Homelessness

·  Youth Mental Health

Project Bawaajigan is a good example.  A group from the last year’s cohort worked with Indigenous groups, created the project aims to help educate and create a community around advocating for Indigenous Rights.  They also Promotes Indigenous initiatives, movements and businesses on Social media. The group choose one topic every week to education and generate discussion on social media.  


About Vision Youth

Founded in 2001 and 100% operated by volunteers, the Vision Youth Leadership Program cultivates and empowers emerging young leaders to create solutions to challenges facing their communities. We believe youth are a driving force in creating positive changes in the world and so we challenge them to rise above and ignite the spark within that would inspire them to take responsibility for their communities. Our impact to date: 

·  Over 1,200 Vision Youth Program Graduates

·  Over 200 Community Service Projects Completed

·  Over 33,000 Community Service Hours Performed

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Media Contact


Eric Li, Vision Youth

Tel. (416) 473-9844